Brockway Jr. High Invitational Tournament Feb 17, 2001 Brockway High School District IX
To: Administrators, AD's, Coaches, Staff, and FANS! From: Brockway Wrestling Association Date: 1/10/01 Re: Brockway JH Invitational
In the past Jr. High wrestling has ended with the closure of the High School season. There has been no climax to the season, no way to guage wrestlers' improvement, and no way for coaching staffs to forecast the future of their program. This tournament would assist in these areas.
The tournament will be run using the same format as the varsity District 9 Tournament at Clarion. The AA Schools will compete against AA schools and the AAA schools will compete against AAA schools. We will need a commitment from at least 4 AAA schools to follow this format. Individual and team championship awards will be presented to both AA and AAA teams. Also this year we will have a Coach of the Year and Outstanding Wrestler in both AA and AAA. This will be voted on by the coaches. This event will be condensed into one day of wrestling.
Cost of the event will be an $80.00 entry fee (make checks payable to the Brockway Wrestling Association). Please send checks to Ray Reckner, 95 North Street, Brockway, PA 15824. Ticket prices at the door wiil be #3.00 for adults and $2.00 for students.
The Brockway Wrestling Association will have food available in the high school cafeteria all day.
We look forward to your participation in this event. If you have any questions, please contact Ray Reckner at 814-265-8417 (work) or 814-0265-852 (home). Thank you.
Schedule of Events:
This schedule is tentative based on the number of entries, Any changes that need to be made will be made at the seeding meeting.
Participation deadline: If your school plans to attend this event, we need to know by Fri. Feb. 2, 2001.
Seeding and coaches meeting: Mon. Feb. 12, 2001 at Brockway Area High School at 7:00 PM, Room 400. All seeding is final at closure of the meeting. Wrestlers cannot switch weights after the meeting. Coaches need to bring a photocopy of all District #9 AA and AAA dual meet records from their score book and one sheet which contains the District #9 AA and AAA dual meet record for all of their wrestlers. In an effort to simplify the meeting the following criteria will be used to develop brackets. If you cannot attend the meeting, please fax your information to Ray Reckner at 814- 265-8413 by Fri. Feb 9, 2001 and your wrestlers will be seeded.
Criteria will be as follows:
1. Top seed will be presented to the wrestler with the most District #9 deal meet wins.
2. If wrestlers with the identical number of wins are present, top seed will be give to the wrestler with the most recent win (head-to-head).
3 If the wrestlers have not competed with each other or there are more than two wrestlers who have defeated each other, the top seed will be given to the wrestler with the least number of losses in the District #9 dual meet competition.
4. Finally, if both wresters have identical numbers of wins & losses, and have not wrestled (each other) bracket lines will b e drawn (by lot) to determine their seeds.
Weigh-ins: Weigh-ins will be conducted at 6 PM Friday,
Feb 16, by a coach or AD in each of the home schools. Wrestlers will
have until 6:30 PM to make their seeded weights. No wrestler will be
permitted to move to a different weight class in that
Wrestling Time: wrestling will begin at 9:00 AM on Sat. Feb. 17, 2001
Consolation Finals: Begin at 6:00 PM
Parade of Champions: Begin at 7:00 PM
Finals: To follow
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