District IX Tournament Feb, 23/24. 2001 @ Clarion University Tippin Gym Preliminary Pairings These are TENTATIVE, subject to finals weigh-ins, etc. Projected team points based on seeds listed at bottom. Gold Medal Rankings => bringing you LIVE updates on Saturday! District IX Preview
Seed Wt Name School Grade Record 1 103 Keith Pavlekovsky Redbank Valley 11 24-2 103 bye 103 bye 8 103 Josh Lundy Oswayo Valley 9 11-9 5 103 Nick DeLoia Brookville 9 0-1 103 Mike Freemer Brockway 9 4-15 103 bye 4 103 Chad Wilcox Smethport 9 12-10 3 103 Kevin Costanzo Johnsonburg 10 10-4 103 bye 103 bye 6 103 Nathan Ball Cameron County 9 17-4 7 103 Joe Spader Port Allegany 9 6-2 103 Cy Gilmore Kane 9 1-10 103 Josh McClain Clarion 10 8-14 2 103 Steve Curry Curwensville 10 17-3
Seed Wt Name School Grade Record 1 112 Mark Foltz Smethport 11 16-6 112 bye 112 bye 8 112 Toby Ochs Clarion 11 15-15 5 112 BJ Greenman Port Allegany 9 17-10 112 bye 112 Lewis Kuklinskie Curwensville 10 6-9 4 112 Rudy Bullers Brookville 12 19-9 3 112 Joe Garrison Redbank Valley 11 18-10 112 Nick Varischetti Brockway 11 4-8 112 Levi Fagan Oswayo Valley 10 5-16 6 112 Josh Anderson Ridgway 11 24-4 7 112 Lucas Nelson Cameron County 9 9-13 112 bye 112 bye 2 112 Keith Miller Johnsonburg 9 24-2
Seed Wt Name School Grade Record 1 119 Bryan Kiskadden Clarion 11 24-4 119 Jeremy Palmer Curwensville 10 13-8 119 bye 8 119 Joel Kerle Brookville 9 4-7 5 119 Chris Cenni Ridgway 11 11-15 119 Jayson Turner Oswayo Valley 10 11-12 119 bye 4 119 Greg Nolf Redbank Valley 11 16-12 3 119 Cory Mancuso Brockway 10 21-5 119 bye 119 Alex Sheldeshov Smethport 11 0-10 6 119 Mike Votano Johnsonburg 10 10-12 7 119 Cain Frey Cameron County 10 18-10 119 Matt Burton Kane 10 7-14 119 bye 2 119 Justin Lomax Coudersport 12 13-2
Seed Wt Name School Grade Record 1 125 Jerimiah Fredrick Coudersport 10 21-3 125 Andy Gustin Oswayo Valley 12 9-7 125 bye 8 125 Lewis Windsor Port Allegany 9 14-11 5 125 Paul O'Neil Clarion 11 12-12 125 bye 125 Keith Hornung Cameron County 9 1-6 4 125 Greg Leet Smethport 12 18-6 3 125 Derek Bullers Brookville 11 17-11 125 bye 125 bye 6 125 Dan Rudolph Ridgway 12 18-12 7 125 Eric Iorfido Johnsonburg 9 16-11 125 Tanner Huffman Redbank Valley 11 6-17 125 Hugh Rich Kane 10 14-10 2 125 Tom Calhoun Brockway 12 18-8
Seed Wt Name School Grade Record 1 130 Josh Sammons Brookville 12 23-6 130 Steve Chittester Kane 9 15-9 130 bye 8 130 Ben Rotheremel Smethport 9 6-18 5 130 Nate Zameroski Ridgway 11 14-12 130 bye 130 Cameron County Joe Glosek 9 3-7 4 130 Tyler Wilkinson Curwensville 11 15-7 3 130 Jake Windsor Port Allegany 12 16-4 130 bye 130 bye 6 130 Tyler Wagner Coudersport 10 20-5 7 130 Brett Heberling Brockway 11 13-9 130 Scott Smith Redbank Valley 10 3-12 130 Mike Carter Johnsonburg 11 15-10 2 130 Matt Watterson Clarion 11 25-5
Seed Wt Name School Grade Record 1 135 Scott Rendos Brockway 9 16-2 135 bye 135 Scott Filer Oswayo Valley 9 4-16 8 135 Lance Wolfe Clarion 11 11-12 5 135 Graham Horner Ridgway 9 9-3 135 bye 135 Justin McKenzie Brookville 11 1-10 4 135 Chip Williams Curwensville 11 12-6 3 135 Joel Hammond Redbank Valley 11 15-10 135 Jamie Bard Kane 11 4-12 135 bye 6 135 Isaac Wright Coudersport 9 16-7 7 135 Dave Thomas Smethport 11 16-8 135 Garrett Smith Port Allegany 11 9-13 135 Thomas Richards Cameron County 9 3-13 2 135 Francis Jovenitti Johnsonburg 11 22-5
Seed Wt Name School Grade Record 1 140 Francis Iorfido Johnsonburg 11 26-1 140 Doug Shick Redbank Valley 10 0-7 140 bye 8 140 Tony Zimmerman Ridgway 10 7-19 5 140 Will Schuster Brockway 12 7-12 140 Adam Divins Clarion 11 3-11 140 Eric Anderson Oswayo Valley 9 3-11 4 140 Chris Danielson Kane 11 14-10 3 140 Justin Steiner Brookville 12 21-8 140 bye 140 Brad Shaffer Smethport 12 4-6 6 140 Brandon Rohrer Coudersport 12 13-10 7 140 Shawn Griffith Port Allegany 11 6-7 140 bye 140 Jeremy Struble Curwensville 10 6-16 2 140 Jon Carlson Cameron County 12 20-5
Seed Wt Name School Grade Record 1 145 Steve Iorfido Johnsonburg 10 26-1 145 Matt Ramarge Cameron County 10 1-8 145 bye 8 145 Brian Luton Clarion 10 8-12 5 145 Dave Bundy Ridgway 10 12-8 145 bye 145 Nathan Henry Redbank Valley 10 2-18 4 145 Clint Stout Brookville 10 11-6 3 145 Matt Roth Smethport 12 19-7 145 bye 145 Tony Pennington Curwensville 10 2-16 6 145 David Norton Oswayo Valley 10 12-1 7 145 Eric DeLong Coudersport 10 6-14 145 bye 145 Jason Martin Kane 9 6-6 2 145 Jonathan Cantafio Brockway 10 18-8
Seed Wt Name School Grade Record 1 152 Adam Rohrer Port Allegany 10 23-1 152 Ryan Stuart Cameron County 10 1-17 152 bye 8 152 Brent Pierce Oswayo Valley 10 2-14 5 152 Casey Benson Ridgway 12 5-18 152 bye 152 bye 4 152 Marty Fisher Clarion 10 8-13 3 152 Mark Morales Coudersport 12 15-12 152 Mike Foltz Smethport 12 1-8 152 Paul Costanzo Johnsonburg 12 12-11 6 152 Dustin Huffman Redbank Valley 11 10-14 7 152 Aaron Meredith Brockway 10 0-3 152 bye 152 bye 2 152 Matt Gilbert Brookville 9 22-6
Seed Wt Name School Grade Record 1 160 Nick Niznik Clarion 12 21-9 160 bye 160 George Bomboy Kane 12 3-12 8 160 Todd Simkins Coudersport 10 0-4 5 160 Dave Boylan Johnsonburg 11 7-18 160 Jim Kessler Brookville 11 2-4 160 bye 4 160 Kyle Shilk Ridgway 11 7-18 3 160 Tom Bussard Brockway 10 10-13 160 Mike Robinson Oswayo Valley 11 3-13 160 Dean Lippert Curwensville 12 2-19 6 160 Doug Nolf Redbank Valley 11 8-11 7 160 Joe Kephart Port Allegany 12 10-11 160 bye 160 Jon Doud Cameron County 10 1-11 2 160 Jim O'Connell Smethport 12 15-13
Seed Wt Name School Grade Record 1 171 Mark Himes Brookville 12 20-4 171 bye 171 bye 8 171 Ron Geist Redbank Valley 10 11-11 5 171 Mark Harnish Curwensville 12 16-7 171 Ryan Mitchell Ridgway 10 1-7 171 bye 4 171 Gideon Hornung Cameron County 11 12-7 3 171 Ted Lawrence Clarion 12 22-6 171 bye 171 Zack Good Oswayo Valley 9 10-10 6 171 Jim Costanzo Kane 9 12-12 7 171 Donny Kudrick Coudersport 10 11-9 171 bye 171 Chris Loudon Brockway 12 2-0 2 171 Jason Radtke Smethport 12 23-2
Seed Wt Name School Grade Record 1 189 Kyle Cathcart Clarion 11 28-0 189 bye 189 bye 8 189 Karl Becker Ridgway 12 6-3 5 189 Adam Knapp Brookville 12 7-15 189 bye 189 Todd Turner Curwensville 10 1-20 4 189 Mike Grecco Brockway 12 10-5 3 189 Alan Lovell Port Allegany 11 13-4 189 bye 189 Andrew Kespehler Redbank Valley 10 4-16 6 189 Dan Imbrogno Kane 12 12-6 7 189 Matt Leet Smethport 11 20-7 189 bye 189 Brad Moore Coudersport 12 7-9 2 189 Gary Clark Cameron County 11 22-6
Seed Wt Name School Grade Record 1 275 Kaleb Fitch Ridgway 12 26-1 275 Nick Lucia Kane 9 0-4 275 Matt Pierce Cameron County 11 2-10 8 275 Jesse Bova Coudersport 10 7-14 5 275 Charlie Hendrickson Smethport 12 13-9 275 bye 275 bye 4 275 Kyle Smith Brockway 9 16-11 3 275 Joe Carnovale Johnsonburg 12 20-7 275 Charles Boozer Redbank Valley 10 4-19 275 Travis Lewis Brookville 11 5-20 6 275 Corey Bailor Curwensville 10 13-12 7 275 Casey Petteys Port Allegany 11 16-6 275 bye 275 bye 2 275 Joe Straw Clarion 12 22-6
Projected team points based on seeds
There are:
37 seniors 44 juniors 44 sophomores 29 freshmen
Out of 169 "slots," there are 154 wrestlers entered.
Top District IX