Saturday, Jan. 20, 2001 @ Clarion High School
District IX 2000 tourney 1999 tourney 1998 tourney
Teams: Butler, Cameron County, Clarion, Coudersport, Curwensville, Johnsonburg, ACVKU, Oswayo Valley, Port Alleghany, Redbank Valley, Smethport, Date: Saturday, January 20, 2001 Weigh ins: 8:00 a.m.- 9:00 a.m. Coaches meeting: 9:00 Wrestling begins: Wrestling will begin at 10:30 a.m. and continue until the medal round. We will take a short break and run the consy and finals. Seedings: Please fax your line-up with grades and records to me on Thursday, January 20 (before 3:00 p.m.) The seedings will be done by computer and the coaches will make any necessary changes at the coaches meeting. Entry fee: $100 payable to the Clarion Wrestling Booster Club (before January 20, $150 after January 20) Food: The Booster club will have snacks for sale throughout the day. Weight: Two pounds will be add to each weight class according to the PIAA rules. Awards: Plaques for first, second and third place finishers... team trophies for first and second place Questions: Call me at school 226-8112 home 226-9799 fax 226-5537 e-mail
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