Sat. Dec. 9, 2000
Penns Valley Invitational
(Saturday, 12/9/2000 at Spring Mills)
Team results
1. Indian Valley 220.5;
2. Tyrone 173.5;
3. Johnsonburg
4. Red Lion 142;
5. Penns Valley 103;
6. Bucktail 94;
7. Huntingdon 81.5;
8. Marion Center 64.
103 pounds
Matt Swartzel, IV, bye; Michael Graham, RL, pinned Jesse Marlatt, PV, :45; Thad Westley, TY, pinned Bob Houser, BU, :58; Scott Bilich, HU, bye.
112 pounds
David Ross, BU, bye; Brad Walters, IV, bye; Dustin DelBaggio, TY, bye; Keith Miller, JO, bye.
119 pounds
Troy Spackman, RL, dec. Brett Harris, TY, 9-6; Matt Shank, IV, bye; Mike Votano, JO, maj. dec. Austin Gurner, PV, 16-2; Pat Tarantella, BU, bye.
125 pounds
Nathan Griffith, MC, dec. Brett Gephart, PV, 13-7; Eric Iorfido, JO, pinned Garrison Price, HU, 2:49; Derrick Moore, TY, bye; Brandon Selfridge, IV, maj. dec. Mark Jackson, RL, 8-0.
130 pounds
Josh Walters, IV, bye; Shawn Miller, TY, pinned Asher Confer, PV, 2:24; Paul Costanzo, JO, pinned Richard Cole, BU, 1:09; Dustin Gladfelter, HU, tech. fall. Derek Grimm, RL, 17-2, 5:56.
135 pounds
Chris Tate, IV, pinned Matt Polaskey, BU, :59; Gerred Price, HU, Dec. Jeremy Hopkins, PV, 10-6; Mike Carter, JO, dec. Jon Emenheiser, RL, 6-5; Dan Miller, TY, bye.
140 pounds
Jonas McClenahan, PV, bye; Jason Hollar, RL, pinned Jesse Shaw, TY, 2:43; Jon Riley, HU, dec. Francis Jovenitti, 4-3; Ryan Bailey, IV, bye.
145 pounds
Steve Iorfido, JO, pinned Jeff Hollenbaugh, HU, :55; Matt Henry, PV, pinned Kenny Swartzel, IV, 2:28; Tom Loughry, MC, bye; Joe Emenheiser, RL, dec. Josh Wrye, TY, 2-0.
152 pounds
Francis Iorfido, JO, pinned Paul East, HU, 2:53; Matt Wrye, TY, pinned Matthew McKelvey, RL, 4:44; Jimmy Poleto, BU, pinned Mike Wise, PV, 1:33; Nathan Smith, IV, pinned Ryen Hamley, MC, 4:35.
160 pounds
Phil Benner, PV, pinned Paul Bonfiglio, HU, 1:20; Garrett Desch, TY, dec. Doug McCunn, MC, 5-4; Matt Fetzer, IV, pinned Adam Dietrick, JO, 1:28; Mike Vogel, RL, pinned Dustin Newlen, BU, 1:31.
171 pounds
Josh Keys, HU, dec. Justin Keller, TY, 12-5; Curtis Kriner, RL, dec. Kendall Ridenour, PV, 9-7; Mark Receski, MC, pinned Eric Knauff, :40; Scott Hays, IV, pinned Dave Boylan, JO, 1:34.
189 pounds
Jason Bartlebaugh, PV, pinned Bryan Tarantella, BU, 1:51; Joe Tolley, RL, dec. Jody Bowley, JO, 3-1; Greg Hollenbaugh, HU, pinned Seth Bullers, MC, 1:48; Anthony Everly, IV pinned Mike Whitby, TY, 3:59.
275 pounds
Matt Getz, BU, pinned Adam Linnety, HU, :29; Josh Taylor, TY, pinned Leonard McDonald, RL, 1:59; Lucas Simonetti, IV, pinned Chris McCully, PV, 1:07; Joe Carnovale, JO, dec. Jon Neese, MC, 7-4.
103 pounds
Graham, RL, dec. Swartzel, IV, 5-3 (OT); Westley, TY, dec. Bilich, 8-6 (OT).
112 pounds
Ross, BU, pinned Walters, IV, 1:15; Miller, JO, pinned Del Baggio, TY, 1:12.
119 pounds
Shank, IV, maj. dec. Harris, TY, 15-3; Tarantella, BU, pinned Votano, JO, :51.
125 pounds
Griffith, MC, pinned Iorfido, JO, 4:59; Selfridge, IV, maj. dec. Moore, TY, 11-1.
130 pounds
Miller, TY, won due to disqualification over Walters, IV, 1:57; Costanzo, JO, won due to injury default over Gladfelte, HU.
135 pounds
Tate, IV, pinned Price, HU, :42; Miller, TY, pinned Carter, JO, 4:20.
140 pounds
Hollar, RL, won by injury default over McClenahan, PV, 5:22; Bailey, IV, pinned Riley, 3:04.
145 pounds
Iorfido, JO, dec. Henry, PV, 10-7; Emenheiser, RL, dec. Loughry, MC, 7-5.
152 pounds
Iorfido, JO, tech. fall Wrye, TY, 19-2, 4:49; Smith, IV, tech. fall Poleto, BU, 15-0, 4:28.
160 pounds
Benner, PV, maj. dec. Desch, TY, 15-6; Vogel, RL, dec. Fetzer, IV, 1-0.
171 pounds
Keys, HU, dec. Kriner, RL, 3-2; Receski, MC, pinned Hays, IV, 1:47.
189 pounds
Bartlebaugh, PV, dec. Tolley, RL, 8-3; Everly, IV, pinned Hollenbaugh, HU, :50.
275 pounds
Taylor, TY, pinned Getz, BU, 5:12; Carnovale, JO, dec. Simonetti, 9-4.
103 pounds
Bilich, HU, dec. Swartzel, IV, 7-0.
112 pounds
Walters, IV, dec. DelBaggio, TY, 4-3.
119 pounds
Spackman, RL, pinned Harris, TY, 2:32.
125 pounds
Moore, TY, dec. Iorfido, JO, 8-4.
130 pounds
Walters, IV, dec. Confer, PV, 9-3.
135 pounds
Price, HU, dec. Carter, JO, 4-2.
140 pounds
Jovenitti, JO, dec. Riley, HU, 7-3.
145 pounds
Henry, PV, dec. Swartzel, IV, 4-0.
152 pounds
Poleto, BU, pinned Wrye, TY, 2:39.
160 pounds
Fetzer, IV, pinned Newlen, BU, 1:15.
171 pounds
Hays, IV, maj. dec. Kriner, RL, 13-4.
189 pounds
Whitby, TY, dec. Bowley, JO, 9-4.
275 pounds
Getz, BU, pinned McDonald, RL, :19.
103 pounds
Westley, TY, maj. dec. Graham, RL, 11-2.
112 pounds
Miller, JO, pinned Ross, BU, :56.
119 pounds
Shank, IV, pinned Tarantella, BU, 3:21.
125 pounds
Selfridge, IV, dec. Griffith, MC, 6-2.
130 pounds
Miller, TY, maj. dec. Costanzo, JO, 15-7.
135 pounds
Tate, IV, dec. Miller, TY, 7-5.
140 pounds
Hollar, RL, pinned Bailey, IV, 3:09.
145 pounds
Iorfido, JO, dec. Emenheiser, RL, 9-6.
152 pounds
Iorfido, JO, maj. dec. Smith, IV, 12-0.
160 pounds
Benner, PV, pinned Vogel, RL, 3:47.
171 pounds
Receski, MC, dec. Keys, HU, 5-4.
189 pounds
Everly, IV, dec. Bartlebaugh, PV, 2-1.
275 pounds
Taylor, TY, pinned Carnovale, JO, 4:30.
Outstanding wrestler: Francis Iorfido, JO.
top District IX